
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Peace Like a Seashell

An Odd Request: Would any readers who live in or have spent some time vacationing in Normandy, France, please send me a quick email? I have a few questions. susanraihala at roadrunner dot com

My Tuesday post of a shell card was copiously colorful, but today's shell card goes in a different direction: subtle and soft.

These beautiful shell stamps come from a VERY old Hero Arts wood-mounted set that I love immoderately. Each shell was stamped in a soft ink and cut out. Originally, I didn't include the starfish, but it seemed necessary to fill in a bit of space there at the bottom of the pile.

The shells at the back of the pile are glued to the card base at the bottom but popped up on the top edge to add dimension. The two bottom shells are attached with dimensionals only, and the starfish is glued to them and hanging off the edge.

I love the peace of this card, the subtlety, the calm.

That's very much unlike my Facebook feed at the moment. As several different extraordinarily dysfunctional conflicts swirl around my feed right now, I'm reminded of a wonderful motto I found on Pinterest.

Before posting a snarky, politicized, gossipy, angry, or fearful comment on social media, remember this: destructive conflict needs your participation to keep it going.

Post puppy or kitty or owl photos instead. Name something you are grateful for (my blog readers). Share a funny coffee saying ("In dog coffees, I've only had one"). Recommend a great book you just finished reading (The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin). Put up an inspirational quotation or a delightful berry crisp recipe.

Feed what is positive in the world of social media; know when to be wise and say nothing. And then go to your seaside happy place in your mind, listen to a seashell, and feel the peace.

Mercy, grace, love, and mucho peace to you,

stamps: Hero Arts, StampinUp
ink: various dye inks
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: dimensionals, glue, CutterBee scissors


  1. love this card so much!!! It is one of my favorites. never been to normandy and slowly learning when to shut up!!

    1. There are certainly times when the wise man or woman must speak up, and I think you do a good job of that, Joan!

  2. And I say Amen Sister! I am grateful for you and the wisdom you give with such clarity and Simplicity.

  3. Beautiful Card! There is a enough real conflict and sadness in the world, I don't need folks to make more. However, I really could use a simple berry crisp recipe! Reading a nice book from Gary Paulsen, Woods Runner, he mostly writes for young teens. I like to read the books I recommend to my students, and Paulsen is my favorite. Have a beautiful day.

    1. I'd like a simple berry crisp recipe, too. I also read young adult fiction, though my tastes run, oddly enough, to fantasy.

    2. You must read Mortal Engines then (Philip Reeve) It's currently being filmed by Peter Jackson - and it's WONDERFUL. It's the book I read to every class. A bit late, but we were in Normandy last year - lovely place!!

  4. The beach is my 'happy' place. I am loving your shell cards, they take me right to that place. I try to adhere to the adage 'If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' when it comes to social media. Life is to short to be negative all the time.
    Lu C

    1. My grandmother always said to say nothing if you couldn't say something nice. But lots of people appear to have missed that etiquette lesson! Thanks, Lu C.

  5. Awesome card. so peaceful. I hope your Facebook feed finds peace and serenity. I find it so weird and sad that the place we want to connect with other fellow human beings can bring such dysfunction to one's life. wow what a long sentence. I would correct it if I was not so tired.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. My FB feed would be more peaceful if I got off a few community pages...or at least hid them. It's amazing how something as fundamental as a school board can generate so much astonishingly bad behavior. Fine example they are setting for the young people. NOT!

  6. love this...great card mf.
    xx Karen

  7. Thank you for this. If I were a person who gets tattoos, this quote would be the one to get-right on the back of my hand so I would see it every day


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