
Monday, October 30, 2017

A Guy's Christmas Card

One of my nephews, who's a grown manly man and diesel engine mechanic with lots of tatoos, complained because I sent him a store-bought card I thought he'd like better than any I'd made. This backfired spectacularly. He said it hurt his feelings not to get a handmade card from his Aunt Susan and clearly I didn't love him.

I hope he feels the love with this manly Christmas card. Note the absence of bling, the presence of a large amount of brown, and manly branches and pine cones.

Because his Aunt Susan loves him very much and never meant to hurt his feelings. 

Sometimes, the biggest, toughest guys are also the most sensitive.

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Papertrey Peaceful Pinecones, Happiest of Holidays
ink: Archival and Hero Arts
paper: Papertrey white, StampinUp brown
accessories: none


  1. This card is stunning? Such a fabulous Christmas card for anyone.

    My guys get mad if they don't get embellishments. I have more glitter in brown, yellow, orange, green and black than any other shades. (Thank you for much of it by the way,). They are the ones that get the shaker boxes, gel cards and spinners.

  2. He'll love this card! And I love that he wants a handmade one from you!

  3. We do fall into the trap of thinking guys don't care about cards, don't we? I found out recently that both of my son-in-laws save their birthday and Christmas cards from me. I was very surprised and delighted! And that is one handsome Christmas card!
    Lu C

  4. A wonderful card and a perfect reminder....thanks! ♥

  5. Perfect guy card! Reminds me of camouflage!

  6. This is wonderful Christmas card, perfect for anyone and definitely perfect for your manly nephew. I know it was great to find out how much your handmade cards mean to him.

  7. Pine cones and pine boughs are my go to for masculine cards. It helps that I live in Alaska and am surrounded by spruce trees to remind me! I have a gajillion stamps of pine needles and pine cones but I always buy more! lol

  8. I hope he "complained" in jest...otherwise it's just rude...IMHO. Does he send you cards on important days too? Sorry...this is just a "hot" button for me...

  9. How great that he appreciates your work! Guys love things that you put time into just like women. An elderly man at church called to thank me for a card I sent him and told me that the tractor on the front reminded of the tractors he and his family would see on their Sunday drives through the countryside. I love it that just one image brought forth such a happy memory.

    1. Wait...that sounds like guys love our cards just like they love women. Not the message I intended! Oops!

  10. Thanks for the great card - I have that set, so I feel a CASE coming on! And my grown nephew with 2 kids of his own has saved every card I ever gave him!!!


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