
Sunday, February 4, 2018

A Little Love for Monday

What the world needs now is Love, sweet Love.

Oh, my. The world needs it. This came across my Facebook feed on Friday. Brother King is still preaching.

We're about to have a holiday that celebrates a rather cheesy version of love...all hearts and valentines and chocolate. Don't get me wrong. We all need a little cheese in our lives. It goes well with wine. Enjoy it! Celebrate it!

Real love, however, the kind that Dr. King is talking about, is strong and true and can take you to some really, really hard places. You will never, ever regret those places.

Sometimes we regret the chocolate.

I made two cards for my sons for Valentine's Day. I'll give them some chocolate and these cards, with cute words of love. But oh, my. They are my heart walking around outside my body. And I hope I'm sending them out into the world knowing how loved they are and how their love for others can change the world. They changed mine.

That seems like an awful lot for a small pink-and-black card to convey.

God is love. Go be God's hands and ears and heart in the world. Move against wrong. Unlock that door to the ultimate reality of goodness and mercy and grace and peace and, yes, love.

Mercy, grace, peace, and most of all love,

stamps: Can't remember, but either Papertrey or Hero Arts. Probably.
paper: Papertrey white
ink: Memento black, rose bud
accessories: Memento marker


  1. Mercy, grace, peace and love to you, Susan. Sweet cards!

  2. YES to this post! YES! This is my prayer in the car every day on my way to work. (God, help me to be your hands and ears and heart today.) THANK you for this post. Perfection.

  3. Amen and Amen.Thank for your post.

  4. Your CAS card is definitely sweet. Your prayer is well worth remembering. Thank you.

  5. Just now getting caught up on your posts of the last couple of weeks. Loved the message in this one. Thank you for reminding us of it and the importance of walking through life with love in our hearts.

  6. Amen. Wonderful message and card Susan!


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