
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Well, That Was an Unexpectedly Long Break

Wow. I think that's the longest break I've taken from blogging Simplicity since it began back in 2009.

Let's start this post with a card...for those of you who aren't interested in my personal life. If you are interested, keep scrolling. So much going on. So much pleasantness. So much unpleasantness.

Oy vey.

The BIG EVENT in the past two weeks has been my son Nicholas's graduation from high school last Saturday and the attendant festivities, so let's honor that milestone with a graduation card I made for one of his friends.

Y'all know I love words, the alphabet, typewriters, books...basically anything having to do with language. But sometimes using cool stamps like this alphabet border stamp from Papertrey's Ombre Builders is a challenge. Teacher card? Quit making those years ago. Where else might a stamp like this be appropriate?

Well, I decided that it might work for a graduation card. After all, high school graduation is the culmination of a journey that began in kindergarten with the alphabet lined up and displayed prominently in the classroom. I like the results!

The sentiment comes from Clearly Besotted's Happy Days set. It's positioned in the upper right sweet spot, with the emphasis on HAPPY. Because graduation day is happy. And Springboro's colors are blue, black, and white. Hence, the blue focal point.

Now, let's get personal. The past two-and-a-half weeks have been, well, a bit insane. They've included raw sewage in my basement (the day after my mother arrived, two plumbers and three days needed to fix), a dead washing machine (and six-day wait for a new one), finding out we need new tires for my car (can wait a bit but will need to happen soon), and Cooper's massive allergic reaction that left his whole head swollen (cause: unknown). Plus, there were countless small crises and problems that left me on the verge of tears most of the time.

On the happy side, we had many visitors from out of town to celebrate Nick's graduation, and all of them extended mercy, grace, peace, and love in the midst of the craziness.

George's mom and dad. This is the best picture of Barbara taken in
years. She has the uncanny ability to have eyes closed in
virtually every picture she's ever had taken. 

My mom, who spent a morning with me at
the laundromat. We made the best of it with
Bill's doughnuts. She never once complained
about the smell of the sewage, either.

George's sister Angela and her husband Mike, who
fight for the pups' favor. Mike usually wins favorite
status, and this angers Angela. Understandably.

After the graduation ceremony with all George's family.
Our son Jack played trumpet in the band
for his brother's graduation. So proud of him!

Family picture with my mom.

The proud graduate

Nick and his friend Owen, the bow-tie buddies. Owen will
attend the University of Oklahoma to study ballet and graphic design.
The kid's got some awesome talent on stage and in the art room.

Nick and his girlfriend, Keara. She will attend
University of Cincinnati in the fall with Nick. 

Nick with Angela and Mike. Angela's graduation gift to Nick
is a trip to New York City in a few weeks.

The grad and his dad.

Selfie with mom. Oh how I love  this kid!
The two days of graduation weekend (the graduation on Saturday and the party on Sunday) went off without a hitch. I was so very grateful for that, given how those two days were preceded by chaos and followed by it.

This week, I've applied to teach as an adjunct instructor at three different universities and dealt with Cooper's allergic reaction. I didn't get a good picture of the full puffy horror, but here's a close-up of his eye after we got him home from the vet. It's still somewhat swollen, but nothing like it had been.

Add caption
Here's the same eye this afternoon. It's MUCH improved, as is the swelling all over his face and neck.

Just before the break, I received my Mother's Day shipment from Simon Says Stamp. I've not had a chance to even open the packaging. Hopefully tomorrow, I can hit my craft room and make something lovely. Or pretty trash. Doesn't matter. I just want to get back to normal and stop waiting for the next disaster.

Thanks for your patience. I'm so happy to be back!

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Clearly Besotted Happy Days, Papertrey Ombre Builders
ink: Ranger, Archival
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: not a one


  1. beautiful photos!! what a fabulous family and love the card. sorry for the series of disasters! hopefully, they are in the rear view mirror of a car with new tires soon! Here's hoping that box of SSS goodies revives your sprits!!

  2. Wow. What a crazy free weeks! Hope things will calm down now! The graduation looked so lovely! On a selfish level I am so glad you are back! Your card is great and I always learn so much from you. Enjoy your goodies!! Squdge x

  3. I loved looking at the photos of your family and Nick's graduation. How wonderful that many of your family were able to be there. Don't envy you the week preceding the actual graduation but sometimes everything, good and bad, come at once. Now you need to take a few weeks break before getting Nick ready to head off to college. That takes a lot of time -- at least for me it did. Enjoy your new crafting items -- it's always so exciting when they arrive.

  4. When it rains, it pours!! Congratulations to the graduate!!
    Right now I’m wishing I had those stamps used on your card! I have 7 graduation cards that I need to make this weekend. No mojo. I’d CASE this in a heartbeat!

  5. Life's rollercoaster! I hope things will settle now for you. Congratulations to your son. So wonderful to have family with you to celebrate those milestones. I'm selfishly glad to have you back on the blog as well!!

  6. So sorry for all of the catastrophes! Not at all fun. Glad that your guests were able to remain pleasant through it all.

    Happy graduation!

  7. Wonderful card. Welcome back. Congratulations to Nick. Kudos to you too. Sorry to hear about problems. Love pictures. Hugs to Cooper.

  8. Sorry about all the problems, but congrats to the graduate! Glad to see you are back!

  9. Congratulations to your son and whole family for this wonderful milestone! Thanks for sharing your family pix, it is lovely when a family comes together for a happy event. The rest is just life and it will pass.

  10. Love that graduation card! I have a typewriter alphabet embossing folder ... challenging, like your alphabet stamp ... and it makes me happy whenever I find a good way to use it. Glad you're finding some family JOY in the midst of your real-life challenges.

  11. So glad you finally posted! Yesterday, I actually went to your website to make sure all was ok and & saw your note about sporadic posting in the coming weeks! Apparently wasn't ok, but at least manageable. Congrats on your son's graduation...huge step!

  12. So glad to see you back, Susan.You are surely on track for some good stuff after your problems, large & small. Best wishes to Nick. Know you are so proud of the young man he has become. And Bravo to your trumpeter. My grandson played trumpet for a few years- even got to play Taps solo a few times for Veterans' & Memorial day parades.


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