
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Poinsettia Die, Part 2 of the Play

Playing is a great way to explore a new purchase, and playing with this poinsettia die from Poppy Stamps makes me very happy.

After using traditional red for the first card I shared using it, I decided to explore a non-traditional option.

Pure white and periwinkle.

If the white space of the first card freaked you out, this version should be more to your taste. The card is smaller (3.25" x 6.5") and utilizes a huge sentiment from Winnie & Walter's The Big, The Bold, The Merry.

In the red version, the poinsettia die took center stage, but here it's definitely supporting cast. That bold merry, with its pretty loops and swishes gets the focus. I adore this card, and not just because periwinkle is one of my favorite colors.

The hint of black in the word Christmas anchors the whole light and pretty design. 

I also pulled out pigment inks for this one. They give a little more weight and opacity to the stamped images, which is important, I think, in such a light design.

Keep in mind the rules of play...have fun and don't worry if you make pretty trash! Sometimes, play works out, and sometimes it doesn't. But if you turn off your inner censor/critic and let creativity happen, you just never know what will happen!

The crazy is ramping up at my house as we get ready to send our elder son to his first year in university, our younger son to tenth grade, and me to work. My time to stamp is predictably limited right now. Once the boys are settled, I will have more time (despite the work) to stamp and will get back to regular posting.

Until then, I will post when I can. Thanks for your patience!

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Winnie & Walter The Big, The Bold, The Merry, Hero Arts Holiday Sentiments (poinsettia on envelope), Simon Says Envelope Sentiments
ink: Impress Fresh Ink freesia, Memento Luxe black
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: rhinestones, Copic to color them, poinsettia die (Poppy Stamps)


  1. As one of your long time, too much white space makes me itch followers, I agree...this card made me smile BIG! I love poinsettias and love this card as well! Good luck with the crazy!
    Lu C

  2. In the current world of cards with all the cute little animals and gigantic flowers and multi-layered scene cards I so appreciate your clean and simple cards. Good luck with your busy upcoming time and your new job. I'll be happy to see any cards you have time to create and share. Thank you.

  3. Like the non-traditional color choice. The black does anchor the design. I didn't realize this fact until you mentioned it. As the crazy approaches-don't forget to breathe and keep your waders handy.

  4. Beautiful card. You are always teaching me to explore non-traditional holiday colors. I never would have put white and blue together like this on my own but the result is stunning. I would have done the whole sentiment in blue and then wondered why I didn't like it. The little bit of black just wraps it up perfectly.

  5. I love blue and white holiday cards and seem to use them for my Christmas cards every year. My friends that love traditional colors always seem to comment negatively. I just found your blog and I have to say I love what I'm seeing. Making cards gives me pleasure. So much out there now is busy with multiple layers and I started to feel watching the videos like it was more stress and money to keep up with all the different techniques. I hope you keep posting because I feel like I've finally found someone I can relate to. Thanks so much.


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