
Monday, May 27, 2024

The Good Stuff


I’ve missed you. 

One of the main reasons I started blogging was to connect with other crafters on Simplicity and other mothers on Questioning my Intelligence because stay-at-home motherhood is rather lonely. Those online connections kept me sane through my jobless phase of life, a time when I was navigating the strange and difficult and hugely funny world of motherhood and also trying to keep sane with papercrafts.

That season of my life was made so much better by blogging and the connections I’ve made with so many of you. 

Seasons change, culture changes, lives change. When I returned to teaching, the connection aspect of my life became face-to-face with students and colleagues. I stopped blogging regularly, and then pretty much stopped blogging at all. 

I miss it. I miss writing about life, with all its light and fun or serious and meaningful happenings. Mostly, these days I write assignments and educational content for students. And while that’s rewarding on many levels, it’s also a job. 

I need to write “the good stuff” again, have needed to write again for several years now, but I’ve finally diagnosed the reason it’s been so hard to motivate myself to just do it: depression. 

Those of you who’ve followed me from the beginning know I have a history of depression, and Lord knows we’ve had lots of triggers for depression since 2020. My having cancer didn’t help, but thankfully, I am cancer-free and only mildly bothered by side-effects of treatment. Yay! 

But my mood…well, that’s not been so good. Partly, it’s been circumstantial: cancer (my own and that of dear friends and family), family issues, politics, world affairs, pandemics, a significant death. How does one process all this mess healthfully and healingly?

Therapy and drugs, people. Therapy and drugs. 

Crisis theory tells us that when we enter crisis mode, we use the tools in our toolbox to try and regain equilibrium. Part of a therapist’s job is to help us learn how to use new tools when our old ones aren’t enough anymore. My therapist and my husband have been God-sent and helped remind me that just doing stuff—small steps in a positive direction—makes a huge difference. 

So here’s a small step toward reconnection and healing. Being vulnerable again, trusting the goodness of people, and remembering that sharing is caring…these are good things. 

Blogging is a conversation, though, so what sorts of things would you like to see here? I’ve been stamping and creating through all of this, have new goodies (like the BetterPress) that I could share, have reorganized several times, and would be happy to share personal stuff here as well, without reviving Questioning my Intelligence. Or would you prefer me to keep the personal stuff to a minimum? 

As you contemplate your answers, if you care to contemplate at all, here’s the last card I made, a happy attempt to get back to basics of paper, ink, glue, and just a bit of bling. 

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,



  1. love the card!! I enjoy your writing so much. I'm happy to hear all about your life and your cards. I'm sorry you are suffering from depression. It is a beast

  2. love the card and so good to see you back.

  3. So good to see a card from you. I love hearing tidbits of how you are doing. Like you, I also suffer with depression. And yes, therapy, meds and people help!

  4. While blogging has taken a turn - most people aren’t, I still do, and enjoyed getting your post! It’s always fun to see your cards too . 😊

  5. I've missed you too! So happy to see your card & post. Depression runs in my family, so I'm always trying to stay aware of the darkness that attempts to cloud my vision. One day at a time; here we are, warts and all.
    Love hearing about your life, your perspectives, your faith, and also love how you think about design elements for your mini works of art (your cards)!

  6. I don't have notification of when you post but I occasionally check as you are on my home page! I continue to struggle with a DNA discovery from 2020...even this weekend...I'm thankful for paper that makes life more enjoyable! Thanks for sharing your card...I'll read anything you post, be you.--Faye

  7. Happy to hear from you, I've missed your cards and perspectives on life. I like hearing about your family, job, and how you cope with depression. It runs in my family too. Hugs to you.

  8. P.S. Love your card and I like to know what supplies you use.

  9. I am relieved to hear from you. I was worried as so much seemed to be going on in your life. I love to hear from you about your job, family, faith, and how you designed your beautiful cards. I think the cloud of depression hits us all to a greater or lesser degree at some point and hearing how you cope is really helpful. I repeat your sign off: Mercy, grace, peace and love to you.

  10. So glad to see you back Susan. I have never commented before, but I have loved "lurking" and seeing your fabulous cards, as well as hearing about your life. Like others have already commented, I have missed your amazing creativity and your take on what life sends you. I really hope that you find yourself able to continue with the blog - in whatever shape or form you want to take it.

  11. Dear Susan: I was THRILLED when I saw there was a post from you. Thank you for offering your encouragement, vulnerability and creativity to us. I hope you will continue in whatever shape and form works for you. But don't stop on posting your fab cards!


Thank you so much for taking time to comment!