
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Angles Love Curves and an Update

Today’s card is bold and balanced, with curves and angles everywhere. But mostly, I love these colors. They are so calming. Plus, please give me credit for using a colored card base on a card that still looks like I made it. Simplicity, indeed.

Stamps by Simon Says and sentiment by Papertrey. 



So I’m still working through the emotional garbage that my dad’s death dredged up, but it’s all ultimately good and necessary processing. But that distraction meant that my 6-month cancer appointments snuck up on me. Today was Zometa infusion day to keep my bones healthy. 

Monday will be a DEXA scan, which will tell us if the Zometa is doing its job. I’ve got mammograms, bloodwork, and an appointment with the oncologist. After six months of no appointments, I’m feeling a bit of PTSD getting stuck (Zometa requires a blood test the day before in addition to the infusion). But I’m not expecting any bad news. My health seems pretty robust, actually!

And just for fun, here’s a gift I received from my friend Kim, whose BC diagnosis came a year before mine. She found these mugs and bought one for each of us. My first drink out of it was wine. 🍷😉

Makes me wish I had a flamingo stamp to make her a thank-you card.

Go be flocking fabulous today! 

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,



  1. What a fabulous card, Susan. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. Consider yourself hugged.

  2. Your card is (as usual) clean, simple, elegant and very pretty. Sending good thoughts your way for your barrage of tests. Fingers crossed no more for at least another 6 months.
    best wishes
    Marie Q

  3. Yup, a lovely CAS card. Hugs and best wishes for all your upcoming tests. Thinking of you.

  4. Keeping you in my prayers for continued robust health!! Love your card, it's one of my favorite layouts. Your wine mug is fabulous!! Take good care.

  5. I'm going over my old posts to undo links that no longer apply and landed here(checking to see how you're doing). Sorry to hear about your struggles :( . I do love your fresh cards today and fresh perspective (with bright mug) too; what a blessing you are ! To many more good days~


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