
Monday, March 27, 2017

IC590: A Favorite

Okay, so y'all know the Inspiration Challenge at Splitcoast is pretty much the only challenge I do, and that's because that's how my Muse rolls. And Audrie is just so good at finding inspiration sites that make me bounce in my seat with kindergarten glee.

This week's challenge--IC590--is to find inspiration on Audrie's Inspiration Pinterest board. Well, I found lots of inspiration on her board and it led to three fun cards. Today's is my favorite of the three, and it was inspired by the collage (or perhaps we should call it a loose mosaic) in the foreground of this image.

Obviously, the biggest change I made was the color scheme...from sophisticated neutrals to bright yellow, orange, purple, pink, and raspberry. My color scheme reinforces the JOY message. Also, the images on my tiles are diverse and stylized rather than natural and organic, as in the inspiration piece.

This card was amazingly fun to make. All the pieces were cut randomly from stamped scraps of cardstock, and I didn't fuss with the arrangement.

Okay, that's a lie. I fussed. But not as much as usual.

That's because in the original, the tiles are not arranged by someone with chronic OCD...there's irregularity and asymmetry, but also balance and harmony inside the square. My main focus was arranging the colors so same-colored tiles weren't right next to each other. Note that the three yellow tiles form a visual triangle that draws attention to the sentiment.

My Muse said to do that.

Several of the pieces were trimmed to fit where they ended up, and at least one was re-stamped because I needed a bigger piece.

But all that fussing was play and not a manifestation of anxiety. Contemplate the MANY variations you could create playing with this idea!!!! Eeeep! I want to go try another one right now, but alas! It's time for sleep.

I'll have visions of irregular mosaics dancing in my head all night.

Oh, JOY!

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Hero Arts, A Muse, Clearly Besotted, Altenew
paper: Papertrey white
ink: various Archival, Hero Arts
accessories: glue pen, scissors


  1. So pretty! I always wonder what to do with those itty bitty stamps. This is such a great us of them. If you were having an uninspired day; you could just do a lot of stamping of littles and play with them another day.

  2. What a card filled with JOY! Love all the colors. And thank you for my morning chuckle and morning inspiration!!! I so appreciate your "chatting" about your process.....

  3. Wow, this is fabulous! I love the movement going on here. So often I have bits left over from experimented-on watercolor paper that I don't know what to do with. Here's my answer!

  4. Your muse is so smart! And joyful!

  5. This truly is a joyous piece. I love the colours and the placement of the various elements.

  6. This is such a FUN card!!
    I wish I had the bright colours and great stamps that you have, but then any card I made wouldn't be a "me" card... So, I'm going to see what I can make with my colours and stamps... Thanks for the inspiration!


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