
Thursday, March 23, 2017

One of Those Days

Have you ever stepped on the scale and thought, "Wow, that's pretty good. I think I'll pig out today!"

Today was one of those days. I'm regretting (but only slightly) the pita bread wedges toasted with parmesan and mozzarella and dipped in marinara. And the Starbucks mocha. And the Little Debbie Swiss cake rolls. And the Girl Scout thin mints.

To be fair, there were only four thin mints. I found them in a bin on my craft desk where I'd hidden them from Son #1 who has even less control than I have with those little bits of Girl Scout crack minty deliciousness.

Tomorrow I will be good and eat lettuce and be sad, but today, I was AWESOME!

Of course, my pig-out was very un-Lenten, so we must shift our subject awkwardly to Easter and today's card, which is my second-favorite Easter card this year. (Yesterday's card is my favorite.)

6.25" x 3.5"

In contrast to yesterday's card, in which the contrast of the rough, angled cross and the crisp, clean sentiment created tension and wonderful balance, today's card is all about the harmony of crispness. I chose the short, wide card size to add a very strong asymmetry and balances the straight vertical of the cross.

And now I have two Easter card designs that are neither cute nor highly embellished. Whew.

stamps: Simon Says Stamp Rejoice
ink: Memento LuLu lavender, Archival black, Ancient Page amethyst
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: not a one needed for this totally flat, easy-to-mail card!


  1. Beautiful, and actually different enough from yesterday's card. My fave is the one yesterday though.

  2. Stunning clean and graphic design!

  3. Such a powerful card. I do like yesterdays a little better. It is so awesome to see Easter cards that are not cute. Thanks

  4. Very clean and crisp. Of the two, I think I like today's better...but only just.

  5. I've had one of those days where I feel I should reward myself... with food. How ironic, right? I love the simplicity of this card!


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