
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Day to Celebrate

Happy Independence Day!

Let's celebrate our freedoms assemble, to worship, to speak our minds, to travel unimpeded around our country, to be educated, to create art and share it.

And while this is a great day to celebrate, it's also a great day to reflect. Are there ways you can increase the freedom of others around you? Freedom from hunger, for instance. (Volunteer in a food bank or a school backpack program.) Freedom from ignorance. (Volunteer in a school, library, or adult literacy program.) Freedom from loneliness. (Volunteer in a nursing home; invite a neighbor to coffee.) Freedom from oppression. (Vote, promote, and speak out and up.)

Freedom isn't free, and we shouldn't take it for granted. If we all pay our bit of energy and time to keeping it growing and healthy, maybe fewer of us will have to make the ultimate sacrifice to preserve it.

And then we'll all get to pursue happiness.

Just a thought.  

Mercy, grace, peace, love, and liberty,

stamps: Hero Arts
ink: Ranger, Archival
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: none


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Langston Hughes said it well in his poem, "Let America Be America Again."


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