
Monday, September 4, 2017

Furry Distraction


Our hearts grew ten sizes yesterday.

How can such a small bundle of fur take over our lives so completely?

Love, people. Love. That's the most powerful force in the universe. This furball has his own gravitational field of love, pulling us in just like his big sister has done.

He's a baby and has a lot to learn, but oh, the fun times we'll have!

Daisy welcomed Cooper to the pack with a wagging tail and lots of excitement...and gentleness. She plays with him and sniffs him and follows him around. She let him drink from her water dish at the same time and basically seems to be telling us, "It's about dang time you got me a furry sibling!"

Cooper is a big boy...the largest pup his breeder has ever seen from her dogs. He weighs almost 18 pounds, three pounds more than his brother and five more than his sister. He's just eight weeks old. It'll be interesting to see how big he gets.

His temperament could not be more chill. On the trip home from Toledo yesterday, he showed he is by far the most laid-back puppy we've ever brought home, looking around, wondering what was up, happy to be held. When Daisy first approached him at home, he flopped onto his back and submitted immediately. The only bad sign...he is already trying to dig in the grass. George was not amused.

Time to google "keep dogs from digging in yard." We've never had a digger before.

If posting is spotty for the next few weeks, you'll understand why.

Mercy, grace, peace, and most of,


  1. Welcome Cooper! Can't wait to see you growing.

  2. He is gorgeous and yay for Daisy for being such a welcoming big sister!
    It may sound weird but if there are specific spots he likes to dig then bury his poop around there. I know. Weird. But it worked for us.

  3. Another option if you can't stop the digging is to direct it somewhere specific. Get a paddling pool (the hard plastic kind not the blow up kind) and fill it with soil or sand. If you catch him digging in the yard then drop him in the pool and encourage him to dig there.

  4. omigosh, he's gorgeous, as is Daisy! enjoy!

  5. What a sweet addition to your family!

  6. So happy for all of you. So glad Daisy loves him.

  7. What joy. I daren't show this to my daughter ... she's been sending me photos of Golden puppies for weeks. Says our dog needs a companion too!

  8. My what big paws he has ! Such a cutie. Lot's of fun times ahead.
    Lu C

  9. My heart just melted. Cuteness overload.

  10. Awwwww, he's such a sweetie. I am super jealous. I would love a golden, but we're not home enough to look after a dog. I will just have to live vicariously through you!

  11. Oh what a cutie! He is smiling in the 6th photo!

  12. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Lots of love to give and lots to receive. It looks like he fit right in. I hope you'll keep posting more photos of your new furbaby. He's adorable.

  13. Oh, he's so cute! I'm happy for all of you! Please keep posting pictures!

    Also, I love the family photo! You look lovely, and your boys are so tall. Is George doing an Ironman this year? I always enjoy your posts on that.

  14. Congratulations! I absolutely love the photo of all of you together! Whoever said money couldn't buy happiness never had a puppy!

  15. Thanks for sharing your family and new member! Love the pictures. Makes me smile.

  16. He has the BEST smile! Enjoy him all you can now-top priority.

  17. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family! Cooper is a handsome little guy, though it sounds like "little" doesn't quite apply. You are going to have fun! Thank you for sharing the photos - I especially love the one where he is smiling.


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