
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Green with Lazy

Today's card demonstrates exactly how flawed a crafter I am. You see, one reason why my mantra is mercy, grace, peace, and love is because I'm so very well aware of how much I rely on mercy and grace extended by others (and God) because ohmyheavens, am I flawed.

I'm prideful. Talk too much. Get distracted. (Oh, look! A book!) Forget important things. Spend too much time on my phone. Don't exercise enough. (At all.) Cuss a little. Try so hard not to judge and judge anyway. Leave undone what should be done. (Mop your floors, Susan!) Do things I shouldn't do. (Drink too many mochas. Procrastinate.)

So you can see that I need mercy, grace, peace, and love.

Don't we all?

When it comes to crafting, I've often wondered how much my love of clean-and-simple style evolved from simple laziness. When coloring today's card with Copic markers, I stopped wondering.

Turns out, I am both lazy and impatient. This card felt like it took FOREVER to color. Seriously. FOREVER, people. Ugh. 

Of course, I love how it turned out (pride), but I didn't feel inclined to use Copics on any other stamps in this set (sloth). Tomorrow you'll see the fruits of my laziness and impatience...which aren't so bad, actually (justification).

After finishing the coloring, I realized this card was pretty unbalanced, so following Joan B's lead, I used the chisel end of my Copics to add a border.

This set is a new one called Stemmed Statements from my November Papertrey order. It's truly a delightful set, with lots and lots of words with it that will be very useful (more justification).

So if I'm lazy and impatient, what are your crafting flaws? Confession is good for the soul!

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Papertrey Stemmed Statements
paper: Papertrey white
ink: Memento black
accessories: Copic markers, rhinestones, ruler


  1. I am SO very easily distracted! And I suffer from start-itis... which might not be too big a deal for a card-maker, but I also knit and quilt. I probably have at least a dozen in-progress knitting projects, and maybe as many quilts? I may need an intervention!

  2. well I love the card and the green edging. HA. My crafting flaws? Impatience and trying to do things that are out of my skill set. Lots of wasted paper!!

  3. Susan, I am SO glad you only asked for crafting flaws...But my crafting flaws may just originate in my life flaws. Hhmm. I'll have to think about that. My biggest crafting flaw is trying to do to much and believing I can use all that paper and all those stamps and 15 bottles of Stickles, etc, etc. Is it enough to just TRY and love the process or do I need to pare down? Is there a therapist for this crafter in the house?

  4. Love reading your blog entries as well as you cards

  5. I have OCD (Occasionally Creative Disorder). I buy everything I need- and don't need- to make tons of cards. I don't have the room for all of this stuff. I am unorganized and lazy, so supplies are everywhere! When I have the urge to make cards, I usually end up in a cramped space in the Bermuda Triangle where I manage to create even when supplies I just saw go missing. I like what I make, but feel guilty about the ratio of supplies to actual finished products. Is there a group for people like me? I need help.

  6. My craft flaws are starting cards and not finishing them, or I have fun doing a new technique like using embossing pastes, and Nuvo mousse. Create tons of backgrounds and then not make them into cards. I also do this with watercolors and alcohol inks. I have good intention to make them into cards but it does not happen. I also love love love stamp sets...which I have too many of. Also, I have over 30 stamp sets for Christmas cards...and there are quite a few that has not been used. I may need help now.

  7. It's blogs likes this one that lets me know I'm not alone in this sometimes crazy craft world! Haven't used my new laminator for foiling or my Zig Brushes...yet...but I sure had to have them! Had tons of alchohol inked backgrounds that I finally cut into strips and now actually making cards from those strips...and THAT makes me happy as do the above comments!


Thank you so much for taking time to comment!