
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Two Color Schemes, One Design

One of my go-to sets for birthday cards is Papertrey's Good Times, which has some basic images and some striking, large sentiments. The falling confetti border stamp in the set is HUGE, but you don't have to use it in its entirety. Just a portion can work beautifully for a CAS design.

You might have noticed I've been using the Kaleidacolor pads a lot lately. They really do add a fun element to simple cards...and I have so many of them that it seems a shame to let them sit unused in the new year!

Each card has Stickles accents because I also have a bunch of Stickles and love it!

What supplies do you have IN ABUNDANCE that you could challenge yourself to use more frequently in the new year? 

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Papertrey Good Times
ink: Kaleidacolor Riviera and Spectrum, Archival black
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: Stickles, craft foam, glue


  1. The cards look spectacular with the matching envelopes, Susan. I really need to use my stamps, some of which I have owned for years and have not used.

    1. That would be a fun resolution, Sheila: use all your stamps you haven't used.

  2. Great card! I usually mass produce and this design will be great to work with. Pulling out my Misti and my stamp set now. Thanks.

  3. Such fun and festive cards. It works in both color schemes, and I'm sure in many others too.

    I have an abundance of random stuff that I want to use up (embellishments). Things like foam pieces, chipboard pieces, stickers, faux brads, real brads, and other assorted doo dads. I used to buy these random things all the time because they were cool but then I realized that I rarely use them. I did stop buying them but I still have that stash of them. Slowly but surely wins the game...

    1. I just put away all my Christmas supplies and got out the winter ones and got to looking at paper. There were two paper stacks which I've had for years, so I pulled out the papers I know I'll use. The rest will go to friends or to the children's librarian. I'm another one with a box full of seldom-used embellishments. If I keep the box on my desk they'll get used more often...I hope. I bought them to use, not to save!

    2. Judy, good luck with that. I ended up selling or giving away a lot of that sort of random stuff because I got sick of it. Good on you for sticking with it!

      Elsie, keeping stuff to use on your desk definitely helps. That's what I do with my "New" basket. New stuff can't get put in the stash until it has been USED!

  4. Love these! And so fun to do the envelopes too! I usually try to include some image on my envelopes, a simplified version of whatever is on the card--but how awesome when one impression makes such a dramatic image! Love it!


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