
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ode to a Sunny March Day (and Dog Pictures)

Karen's Card Shop Update
Several of you have asked what (if anything) Karen's Card Shop needs at this time. We are running low on thank you cards, and in the next few months might need more sympathy, get well, and thinking of you cards. Fresh birthday cards are always welcome, as are cards with Bible verses or religious sentiments. If you want to donate, please keep in mind that the insides of cards should be blank (I put them in bags so people don't see what's inside before they buy!) and any sentiments other than the ones I request do not sell well. Please email me when you're ready to ship, and I'll send you my snail mail address.

Thanks so much to all who have donated already. The card shop benefits our church's general fund and Stephen Ministry program. For details, please see my page on Karen's Card Shop

Today's Card
It's not warm in Ohio yet, but we had a delightfully sunny day today, so I'm posting a delightfully sunny card.

This sunny flower comes from Hero Arts' Happy Day Flowers set. That sentiment is a wonderful one for using different colors since thank and you are two separate stamps. You can tuck the you to the right or the left, depending on what works best for your particular layout. I put it on the right to balance out the flower on the left.

And now for dog pictures. Several of you requested dog pictures, and I'm more than happy to oblige.

We clearly don't provide the Cooper with enough
chew toys. He's eight months old and 65 pounds.

Daisy's got your back, Cooper.

"Ready for my profile, Mr. DeMille."

"I'm being cuddled against my will."

"I'm at the vet and smilin'!"

Despite his smile, that last picture is kind of sad. Cooper has some weird issues going on with his elbows (right one very swollen, left somewhat painful) and his hips (worries about dysplasia). He's also been running a fever for a week, although he doesn't act sick at all. If you're the praying type, please pray for him. He's going to be neutered on Monday and get X-rays on his elbows and hips while under anesthesia. I'll keep you posted.

stamps: Hero Arts Happy Days Flowers
ink: Hero Arts butter bar, Papertrey terra cotta, Archival potting soil
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: craft foam, glue


  1. We will certainly keep Cooper in our prayers and hope he is well soon! I think we have his twin in lab form! Finn just turned one and had the same chew toy Cooper has in the first picture but he started to eat the blue ring so now it's down to two (and the rope ring isn't long for this world!)

  2. I hope Cooper will be OK! And Daisy melts my heart!

  3. lovely post to wake up too - beautiful dogs and the cards lovely too

  4. Your card is so fresh and pretty. The dogs are totally adorable.

  5. Such a happy card! We need more happy. When I pray for Brandy(my Dobie), I'll include Cooper and Daisy.

  6. Oh Susan! My heart hurts to think Cooper may have hip displaysia & to think he has pain in his elbows. I can see the swelling in the right one in the picture. Hopefully all will be well with some meds for his elbows to take the swelling & pain away. He looks just like our Lucas did at that age. Lucas is now 8 1/2 years old & is 68 lbs. We thought Lucas might have had hip displaysia when he was young as he lays down with such a thump. He was x-rayed & thankfully, there is no problem. I'll pray for you & Cooper. Look forward to hearing the results & THANK you so much for posting the pictures every now & then. They bring me joy & smiles just like your blog does.


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