
Sunday, April 15, 2018

A Garden of Prayers

When making thinking-of-you or praying-for-you cards, you sometimes need to come up with a serene and peaceful design, one that sends a message of calm and love.

Sometimes, however, you need something cheerful and uplifting, with lots of color.

Isn't it great that we can play around with lots of different designs to meet different needs?

Of course, it is!

Today, I'm going for serene and peaceful.

It's largely the color scheme that makes this card peaceful. You could change up the colors and give the same layout and stamps a cheerful mood. But these soft, muted blues keep everything calm.

I love peaceful, muted cards, and I love bright, happy cards. I made a few quick cards on Saturday that really spotlight pops of bright color...can't wait to get them photographed and share them.

This weekend was a busy one. Nick, my firstborn, went to prom yesterday (Saturday). I still don't have a picture of him and his date, but I shot these before he left the house.

The umbrella was a nice touch. He's a fan of Kingsman (the movie starring Colin Firth) and decided to have a little fun with it. The fact that it was a rainy evening made the large umbrella to protect his date especially fitting! "Manners maketh man."

Love this young man so much!

Then today, I attended an in-service for Stephen Ministry on the opioid crisis. Y'all. We in the Dayton area are at ground zero for this mess, and it's just terrible...the wasted lives and broken families, the overdoses, the inadequate treatment programs, the stunningly sophisticated business practices of the drug cartels, the way they target ten and eleven year olds. It's terrible, and so many people don't understand addiction, what it does to the brain, how quickly and how powerfully it can take over a life. With understanding comes compassion.

From joy over my son's senior prom to raising awareness about heroin and fentanyl...I was all over the place this weekend emotionally.

Hopefully, you got inky and made pretty trash and pretty cards as I did.

What else did you do this weekend that lifted you up or educated you in some way?

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Papertrey sentiment, Altenew Botanical Garden
ink: Archival soft sky, Hero Arts robin's egg
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: dimensionals


  1. Love the card. I am going to be trying some blue only images soon. I made 3 birthday cards. The highlight of the week-end was going to "I Can Only Imagine" with our niece and a friend. Terrific movie! Love the photographs of your handsome son! Glad you had his prom as the highlight of your week-end!

  2. Love the card, it truly is calming.
    Concern about the opioid crisis: If you choose to be trained in using Nalxone for an overdose, wear gloves and a mask to administer. This comes from our EMS faculty and providers of community care. Depending on what the substance the person used, you could be affected. Either breathing in residue or absorption through the skin. You want to help the individual but you want to remain safe in doing so. It is a major hazard now for health care providers.

    1. Excellent advice, LuAnn. A local police officer almost died when responding to an overdose. He got a bit of fentanyl on his uniform and brushed it off with a bare hand.

  3. Oh, I adore the blue floral background—so soothing! The style of flower is just right for the dreamy look, too.

  4. Your card is exquisite, Susan. Truly soothing and calming. I just can't get over your son's hair--he is blessed to have such a gorgeous mane. I also love his suit and the red bow tie. And the umbrella! I think your son has a wonderful sense of drama and flair.

  5. What a great card! Blue has been my favorite color since my teens and we all know flowers are the best! I spent the weekend in a gorgeous house along the shore of Lake Wenatchee in WA with hubby, daughters and the 'sons' that come with them, celebrating my 70th birthday! Pure heaven !!
    Lu C

    1. Happy Birthday, Lu C! So glad you had a fun weekend of celebration.

  6. This may sound odd, but after the crazy weather we have been having I was delighted to finally get my bedding out on the clothesline. Clean sheets swaying from the skies, puffy clouds, birds singing, my heart at peace. Ahhhhh.


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