
Monday, April 23, 2018

Praise the Lord and a Word on Bling Placement

Okay, I have two associations with Praise the Lord.

1) This hymn.

2) The PTL Club. You remember Jim and Tammy Faye, right?

What in the world is a girl to do with these two VERY different associations. The hymn makes me happy. The PTL Club...not so much.

Let's choose to focus on Association #1, shall we?

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!

A frequently-asked question: how do I know where to place the bling?

Well, I wish I had a good answer for that. My sassy answer is "Use the Force, Luke!" And truly, that's what it feels like. I place rhinestones with a craft knife, which lets me see where it's going better than my thick fingers. I try to create visual triangles, making sure the triangles are irregular (equilateral triangles look contrived).

On this card, there are two visual triangles. I would love to say I planned it that way, but it sort of evolved. It generally looks better to have multiple sizes and two shades of color (or two colors, though my cards do tend toward monochromaticity) to make the bling look even more irregular and interesting.

Y'all just see the successful bling placements. There are plenty of times I carry it a bling too far, or things line up awkwardly.

When the results are this satisfying, to God be the glory...because otherwise it was just dumb luck.

Mercy, grace, peace, love, and praise,

stamps: Inkadinkado Good News, Altenew Extra Special
paper: Papertrey white
ink: Archival black, various pink and green dye inks
accessories: MISTI, rhinestones


  1. I frequently ask the Creator for help when I am "creating." And I thank Him when I am pleased with the results. Yes, I use kraft knife tip and do remember the triangle thing but I guess practise makes perfect. Let's just keep on keeping on.
    Great card, great hymn.I will be humming it for the next hour!!!

  2. Along the lines of harmony, that's how I feel when I view your cards. A tranquility, order, ahhhhh feeling.


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