
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Script Background, Part 3

For the record, I started Spring Cleaning today.

One room. The library.

Three and a half hours.

It's not finished.

I was right to be afraid to start because I can't just dust and vacuum and straighten. I rearranged and sorted the books on my shelf, rearranged the tchotchkes, moved all the furniture to vacuum, cleared out cobwebs in the corners and vacuumed the air intake vent, washed the windows (which the dogs promptly slimed), moved all the clutter of paperwork to the dining room (where it still sits), dusted the desks and picture frames and bookshelves.... You get the picture.

I can't do anything half-ass. Once started, I commit my full ass. It's a curse. 

Right now, the doors are closed and there's a fan blowing the carpet dry. How I love having a carpet steam cleaner!

So my life is a little messy (and a lot dusty), but I'm choosing to reframe the mess as "artsy." Like today's card.

The script background which has been very well behaved for the past two posts now dances across the card with energy and abandon. Stamped three times at angles across the card in Hero Arts soft granite, it provides visual grounding for two butterflies from Hero Arts Antique Engravings (Archival cobalt). The sentiment is from Papertrey's Keep It Simple Thinking of You set in Archival coffee.

The card needed a little something, so I colored some bling with a Sharpie, and that was that.

The color combination for today and yesterday came from this pin.

I'll finish up the library tomorrow (wash the French doors and go through all that paperwork on the dining room table) and start on the master suite. That should take days of my life.


Dreaming of a tiny house....

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Hero Arts background, Antique Engravings; Papertrey Keep It Simple Thinking of You
paper: Papertrey
ink: Hero Arts soft granite; Archival coffee, cobalt
accessories: rhinestones, Sharpie


  1. Congrats on the getting started - wishing you luck & productivity :)

    Your card is gorgeous! Beautiful colors, love the classic layout.

  2. I am in awe...first of your dedicated full ass to cleaning. I am also crushing on your card. What fabulous combinations of inks, stamps and your design is awesome. I often stroll by but rarely comment. Today I had to stop.

  3. Oh come on now. Huber Heights doesn't have DUST!! LOL

    1. Well, technically, I live in Springboro. And there's LOTS of dust down here!

  4. This is one of my favorite cards of yours. EVER.

  5. Love the card! Awesome colors. Love your post and I always say I'd like a Tiny House for a craft room. One is for sale here that is lovely for $40,000.00. Don't think the hubby will let me have it in our front yard though and the fence would have to go in the back yard plus don't think it is in my crafty budget!! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Wouldn't a tiny house craft space be amazing. A bathroom, running water, AC/heat...just enough space. We can dream.

  6. If I had tried the angled script not only would it not look like yours but I would probably need my dramamine. Very nice card Susan.

  7. Regarding the cleaning...I notice that with age comes distractability. I go into a room for a purpose but end up sidetracked so very easily. Anything accomplished is reason to smile.


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