
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Darling Donations from Kelle

Reader Kelle S sent me an email asking if Karen's Card Shop would appreciate a donation of A-1 size cards. The shop has cellophane bags to fit A-2 cards (the standard 1/4-sheet cards in the U.S.), but since A-1 cards are a bit smaller, I figured they would fit into the bags and why not?

(If you want to donate to the shop, please email me before sending cards. Only certain types of cards sell, and cards need to be blank inside. My email is susanraihala at roadrunner dot com.)

I'm so glad I accepted Kelle's offer because her cards were, without exception, perfect! Just take a look at a selection of them.

Each of Kelle's cards has lovely little details, like the glitter glue on the strawberries or the rounded corners on the sand dollar card, that provide great finishing touches to fabulous clean-and-simple designs. Kelle also finishes everything perfectly, from the perfectly centered scallops on the strawberry card to the expertly tied knots to the clean stamping.

It's clear Kelle has some perfectionist issues that result in delightful cards and will certainly make her artwork appealing to the buyers at Karen's Card Shop.

Kelle, Carol, Patti, Patti, Shannon, Joan, Peg, Lisa, Cheryl, Marcia, Eva, and all the others who have contributed to the card shop bring their A game to their donations, and I cannot express how grateful I am for the wonderful support you've all given to a shop in a church you don't even attend. (And if I missed anyone, please, please, please let me know!)

Stampers have generous hearts, and First United Methodist Church of Springboro has benefited from your kindness. To date, we've made over $1,325 for the church, which supports several areas of ministry, including our cancer care and Stephen Ministry. Thanks so much to Kelle and all who have shared their lovely talent with Karen's Card Shop.

My heart is full.

Mercy, grace, peace, love, and gratitude,

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