
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Day Late

Well, it certainly wasn't my intention to skip posting yesterday, but you know, Mondays have a way of getting away from you. Especially when something like this happens.

Thank goodness for duct tape. Someone turned in front of me, I slammed on brakes, he tried to go fast, and, well, it wasn't good. The accident happened late morning, and over the course of the afternoon, I developed some severe neck pain that landed me at the ER. Big shout-out to the ER doctor, who ordered a shot that worked wonders and x-rays that showed nothing serious. She sent me home to take a bubble bath.

This was my audience.

When I turned on the jets in the tub, Cooper freaked. I thought he might jump in to rescue me from the evil bubbles! George dragged his furry butt out of the bathroom, but he sat outside the door staring at it for about five minutes. Then his short attention span kicked in, and he joined George on the bed while George read.

Bubble baths are amazing, and kudos to the doctor for knowing that.

I'm feeling much better today. We'll see if that holds once I start dealing with the insurance company. Ugh.

So here's the card that I would have posted yesterday.

This set is Concord & 9th's Just Because. Giant sentiments can be a challenge, but this layout works great for them. I stamped the branch first in Hero Arts forever green, then layered the speckles in Archival prickly pear. The because is also in forever green, and the remainder of the sentiment is stamped with Archival potting soil.

The card looked okay at that point, but I wanted to add some bling. These are Hero Arts olive gemstones. Three weren't enough, so I added two more to make an uneven number. Uneven is usually better than even in design.

Usually. All rules may be broken if you break them correctly.

I have no idea when it's correct to break them, of course. I design using the Force. Still, generally speaking, odd numbers are better numbers.

And if one bubble bath is good, two are better. Three magnificent. Off for another....

Mercy, grace, peace, love, and road safety,

stamps: Concord & 9th Just Because
ink: Hero Arts forever green; Archival potting soil, prickly pear
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: Hero Arts gemstones


  1. Wow. Sorry to hear you are a victim of someone else's bad driving. Hope the bubble baths continue to help you heal. Might want to make sure you have a bottle of wine chilling when you start to deal with the insurance company.
    Just saying....
    Lu C

  2. Sorry to read of your accident, well done on the bubble bath relaxation though - feel better soon

    FAB card too BTW


  3. so sorry about the accident - hope youre Whiplash isnt bad - you may need physiotherapy .Take it easy -lots of baths -the card is lovely btw

  4. Sorry about your accident! I AM worried you might have a slight concussion, though, because your usual acute self would not have let a sentence like "George dragged his furry butt out of the bathroom" slip into one of your posts... I was delighted, obviously, but refused to let than image enter my head ;-)
    Ah, how possessive pronouns sneak up on you in a moment of weakness!
    Much love from one English major (though not native speaker) to another (who is),

    1. Ohmygosh! You totally caught me! I would never write about my husband's furry butt on the internet, fond of it as I am. ;-)

  5. ACCURATE, not acute. See what snuck up on me in a moment of weakness before my morning coffee!!!! That's the bad karma of giggling at other people's possessive pronouns!!!

  6. OUCH on both counts; your neck and the car and bless Cooper for keeping a watchful eye on you, making sure that you where A-OK.
    I love your CAS card by the way.
    You take care and hope you get to feeling better real quick like.
    Oh, I have found that Gorilla tape works much better than that duct tape.

  7. Missed you yesterday. So sorry about your too close encounter. Please do take good care and give your body, mind and spirit time to heal. Perhaps the ER doctor would appreciate receiving your lovely card. Enjoyed reading me gusta zellulose's comments.

  8. You have had pretty bad luck with autos over the last few years! Be careful out there, and enjoy those bubbles!!! doc prescribed exercises for my sore shoulder. I'm thinking the tub sounds much better!

  9. Glad that nasty encounter wasn't worse. Hoping the neck issue is temporary...and bubbles alleviate your discomfort. How lovely to have such a great dog that cares!

  10. Thank you, everyone! I'm feeling better tonight.


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