
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Color Layering, Part 2

Before we get to today's card, I have to share the good news! This afternoon, right after I bought "professional" (read "uncomfortable") shoes to wear with an interview outfit, I received an email asking me to come into a college next week to discuss my availability for this upcoming semester! Woohoooooo!

Thanks to all who have prayed or sent good wishes my way on this. Let's hope it all works out. I am so very, very ready to return to teaching composition and literature!

And now to a color-layered image that has THREE stamps to it, which is my upper limit on color layering. Not sure why this Hero Arts seahorse makes me so happy, but it does. Before my MISTI, I struggled with lining up the third layer, but with my MISTI, it's relatively easy to line up.

Inspiration Source

As you may know, I almost never Copy-And-Steal-Everything (CASE) from a source of inspiration, but this card is VERY close to the original, especially in the placement of all the elements, mainly because the original is such a perfectly executed design using the exact same Hero Arts set. My colors are different (though still pastels), and my sentiment is on the card base rather than on a strip over the background paper, but otherwise, it's pretty much the same as Mariana Grigsby's original card.

She used designer paper for her background, but I stamped the wavy lines from Papertrey's Ombre Builders set, which always make me think of water.

Many, many thanks to Mariane for the AWESOME inspiration!

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Hero Arts Color Layering Seahorse, Papertrey Ombre Builders
ink: Memento angel pink, Lulu lavender; Ancient Page amethyst; Archival black
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: rhinestones, Sharpies to color them, dimensionals


  1. love the card, love the good news. just read an article about how so many people are not showing up for interviews. crazy. ALL GOOD LUCK COMING YOUR WAY. SO DESERVING.

  2. Congratulations on the interview! Praying it goes well.

    The wavy lines really do look like water. It's the perfect accompaniment to the focal images, as if it were made to go with the set. Also, even though you laid out the elements almost exactly the way Mariane did, your bling—particularly that trio above the seahorse—is somehow better. Kudos, Bling Master!

  3. Beautiful. And wishing you oceans of joy as you reenter the workforce. You'll be a force to reckon with. (I know, no prepositions at the end of a sentence...)

  4. Congrats on returning to the working world. Sounds like all is going your way. Beautiful card - love the color selections.

  5. Congratulations on your call back to the college! Hope it works out for you.

  6. So happy to read you got a call back. Congrats, Susan. Way to rock it. I'm not a sea creature person, but this really is a lovely card.

  7. So am crossing my fingers for you! :-) I have that set too, so you are also an inspiration to me!

  8. Sometimes God just wants us to step out (pun intended) on faith and trust Him. Who would think that buying a pair of "professional" shoes would be the beginning of that adventure. Praying for a great interview and positive results.

  9. Best wishes for a successful interview! Your seahorse and watery waves make a very nice card!

  10. SO happy to hear about your follow-up appointment! Praying that all goes well, and that you end up with the "perfect" job!

  11. Gorgeous!! I love your version of her card - the soft colors and the BG stamping.


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