
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Yay, Me!

My interview went beautifully, and I am now an adjunct instructor at our area's largest community college. I will be teaching two sections of English Composition 1. 

I. Cannot. Wait.

Many, many thanks to all who have sent good wishes and encouragement in this, and for all who have prayed. I've felt it all and am beyond grateful.

Today's card has a bibliophile theme and takes me outside my comfort zone with a colored card base. No matter how hard I tried, the raised panel just wouldn't look good on a cream base. Nuh-uh. Not at all. 

After I'd edited the photo, it occurred to me that the banner with pointy ends really doesn't go very well with the soft deckle of the watercolor paper and the soft edges of the inked background. Wish now I'd used a deckle on one side of the banner. 

Oh, well, this is why we keep stamping. Always striving to improve and "get it right." If we ever do attain perfection, what's the point of going on?

Well, perhaps that's too strong. Yesterday's card was pretty perfect to my eye, LOL!

Anyway, I made the background using an old Hero Arts shadow stamp inked up with peeled paint and faded jeans, spritzed with lots of water, and stamped on watercolor paper. The edges are particularly uneven because I spritzed too much water, but I like the results. The color is nicely intense anyway. 

Books do make me happy. If you like reading novels, may I recommend Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman? It's the best novel I've read in months. 

And I read a lot. 

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Tim Holtz, Clearly Besotted, Hero Arts
ink: Distress faded jeans, peeled paint; Archival potting soil
paper: Papertrey, watercolor paper
accessories: craft foam, rhinestones, Sharpies/Copics for coloring the rhinestones


  1. Congratulations! This card - - and its base - - are simply beautiful.

  2. Congratulations! Lucky students to get you.
    And love your card today - great colour combo on the background.

  3. Wonderful news, Susan. I know the students will learn a lot from you.

  4. Yay you! Congratulations!

  5. PTL! Congrats on your new job!!

  6. Oh, good for you! Congratulations!!!

  7. Congratulations on the new position! Look forward to hearing about your new experiences and insights. Thank you for the recommended reading on my wish list. I love recommended books, especially when coming from someone with a literary background.

  8. I am so glad to hear of your new job. It sounds perfect. I would also like to thank you for suggesting a new book for me to read. I am always looking for something new and it helps when someone else recommends the book.

    Happy summer!!

  9. Yay, you indeed! Many congratulations on the new gig!

    1. Congratulations Susan! I have been away and my blog reading has been slow!

  10. Congratulations on the new gig!

  11. Oh, happy day! Knew you could, knew you would. I hope we won't see too many fewer posts from you, but I'm sure lesson plans are in your future. Congratulations!

  12. Congratulations on the new job -- your students will love you! I just picked up Eleanor. . . book this morning, on the recommendation of a friend -- before reading your blog. Can't wait to read it. Good luck and have fun juggling work, mom, crafter, and blogger!

  13. So happy for you, Susan. I wish I could be in your class. Congrats!

  14. Thanks for reminding me about these old stamps tucked away. Mazel tov on your new job. Hope you will still have time for your blog.

  15. Yes, yay for you! Congratulations!

  16. Congrats on the new job! About the book- a good friend recommended it to me saying the exact words- "best book she had read in months!" I'm putting it on hold at our library tomorrow.

  17. Congratulations! Yes, yay you!! Thanks for the book recommendation.

  18. Behind on my emails. I actually was sitting here last night thinkng about your interview but I had not yet read this email. Wow! I am so excited and thankful for you. Knowing the stresses of having children in college and wanting things to be good for them and us, it brings smiles of JOY for you! And, I totally love this card.

  19. Congrats, Susan! That is very exciting news.
    I see what you mean about the pointy ends, though I didn't really notice until you mentioned it. Still looks good, the colored base is perfect with with this image.

  20. I didn't notice the pointy ends of the banner till you said it... however, I like them. They remind me of a bookmark!


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