
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Octopus Fascination

Octopuses are amazing creatures, and Hero Arts has a Color Layering Octopus set that is so much fun! I loved it at first sight because octopuses fascinate me, but then when Ms. Joan shared a few cards with it, I knew I had to have it. Of course, looking for other samples on the interwebs yielded a selection of not-CAS cards, so I felt like a rebel resisting the impulse to layer and embellish the octopus.

My first card takes a minimalist approach to looking out the porthole of a submarine and catching a glimpse of colorful, friendly cephalopod. Isn't it perfect how that one tentacle appears to be waving hello?

There's a piece of transparency glued under the top layer...hard to see in the photos but obvious in real life.

I find the two layers of the octopus fairly easy to align by sight...much easier than the Color Layering Seahorse set. It helps that there are eight tentacles that give you lots of unique curves to line up visually.

Octopuses are expert color changers, so it's easy to go wild with colors and think, "Hey, maybe Lulu lavender and amethyst octopi really do exist!"

Not that it matters. Creative license and all.

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Hero Arts Color Layering Octopus
inks: Memento Lulu lavender, Ancient Page amethyst, Memento Luxe black
paper: Papertrey white, transparency
accessories: craft foam, glue, Creative Memories circle cutter system


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