
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spread Kindness

While I stared at this pin, today's card popped into my mind. The sentiment is particularly relevant right now, and I hope if you're feeling scared or unsure how to respond in these absurd, insane, even scary times, you might consider adopting this as your mantra.

It's hard to go wrong with being kind.

Obviously, my focal point is the sentiment, which needed to be on a strip rather than the rectangle of the inspiration packaging for balance. The sentiment was simply too short and wide, and the background stamp only works vertically.

(See. I need a world background stamp that's horizontally oriented. Having only one that's vertically oriented just isn't enough. Stampers are never satisfied.)

But I love how the strip is "hugging" the it works.

It certainly seems right now that the lines on maps and between races, religions, and political sides are growing higher, thicker, harder to cross. I used "seems" on purpose here. Appearances can be deceiving. In fact, I believe that the world is capable of great kindness, and it's happening all around us if we open our eyes and look for it.

We're inundated with news and social media that sell sensation and fear, but look around you. There's kindness all around...and you can be a part of it, help it grow.

Spread kindness. The world needs more of it.

Mercy, grace, peace, and love,

stamps: Hero Arts background, Simon Says Stamp Inspired Messages
ink: Archival black, French Ultramarine
paper: Papertrey white
accessories: craft foam


  1. Is this, by any chance,called "enabling"? I'd prefer "kindness".
    Papertrey, World Map, landscape:

  2. You are an awesome human. I do have anxiety about the world right now. I love the card and the sentiment.

  3. Susan, your card fits my sentiment EXACTLY. Thank you for making such a beautiful card. I would say "timely," but it is always timely, is it not? And Janet, I would call it a "kindness" too. Ask and ye shall receive!

  4. Love this beautiful card with its timely sentiment. And spreading kindness is so much nicer than spreading germs (which is what my coworkers are up to).

  5. The world certainly does need more. I think this turned out perfect!

  6. looks great mf and yes, we need more for sure!
    xx Karen


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