Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Something Different

A few weeks ago, I fell into a slump creatively and pulled out a few of my books on bookbinding. Something different might be just what Dr. Creativity prescribed.

I think it worked.

Sentiments are from Simon Says Tiny Words Faith set, and the design is a simple fold you can find in a wide range of bookbinding books. It’s made from one sheet of textured paper I bought at Marco’s Paper, sized it to fit a small envelope I have. 

If you’re ever in a slump, try something completely different. See what happens. It’s fun!

On another note, I bought my hubby the Lego Titanic set for Christmas. He savored the build and finished last week. 

The thing is a BEAST. He joked about building an iceberg out of his architecture Lego set…all the bricks are white. I can’t decide if that is too disrespectful of a tragedy, or if it highlights the hubris of the “Unsinkable” ship. Is it still too soon to joke about it? Inquiring minds….

Mercy, grace, peace, and love, 



  1. Wonderful card and WOW, the Titanic build is also wonderful. Kudos to your hubby.

    1. I will pass along your kudos! He's quite pleased with it.


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