Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Something Different

A few weeks ago, I fell into a slump creatively and pulled out a few of my books on bookbinding. Something different might be just what Dr. Creativity prescribed.

I think it worked.

Sentiments are from Simon Says Tiny Words Faith set, and the design is a simple fold you can find in a wide range of bookbinding books. It’s made from one sheet of textured paper I bought at Marco’s Paper, sized it to fit a small envelope I have. 

If you’re ever in a slump, try something completely different. See what happens. It’s fun!

On another note, I bought my hubby the Lego Titanic set for Christmas. He savored the build and finished last week. 

The thing is a BEAST. He joked about building an iceberg out of his architecture Lego set…all the bricks are white. I can’t decide if that is too disrespectful of a tragedy, or if it highlights the hubris of the “Unsinkable” ship. Is it still too soon to joke about it? Inquiring minds….

Mercy, grace, peace, and love, 


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