This week's
CAS51 challenge caught me totally by surprise because..., um, well, may have noticed..., um...,
I hardly ever use designer paper on cards. Don't get me wrong. I own a bunch of it, but in my carefully categorized AR/OC mind, I bought it all for scrapbooking, not cardmaking. So you might understand why this bit of movie dialogue flashed through my mind when I read Jen's challenge:
Egon: Don't cross the streams.
Peter: Why?
Egon: It would be bad.
Peter: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean "bad"?
Egon: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Raymond: Total protonic reversal.
Peter: That's bad. Okay. Alright, important safety tip, thanks Egon.
At the risk of total protonic reversal, I started the challenge using PTI's bitty polka dot paper on kraft. Isn't the punch of pink fun? And the twine bow? Okay, I don't feel like I'm embarrassing myself with this one, nor did life as I know it end. Whew.

Hmm. This second one I'm not so sure about. Something is off. The button needs to be bigger, I think. And maybe white. But I'm showing you anyway so you can see for yourself the full challenge of this challenge on me. It was a struggle, I tell ya, and by the end of this card I was terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

And then...well, then a miracle occurred, I toasted the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man, and there was peace and harmony in my world!!!!

If you want to know the thought process behind this card, keep reading. Otherwise, have a lovely day and if you get a chance, please play along with this challenge. And if you've never seen the first Ghostbusters movie, please do. Then this whole post will make sense. Or not.
Back to the card. There is a sheet of coordinating die cuts that goes with the paper on the second card above. I buy these things and never use them. I just look at them and admire them and put them back in my stash. But this time, I pulled off the rectangle with the definition of summer.
Gee, the sponging around the edges looked weak, so I added some VersaMagic Aloe Vera ink to give it a little definition. Oh, that's better. What goes with summer? Why butterflies, of course! What color might go with the aloe? Hmm, let's look in my DP scrap holder. Yellow? I punched a few, and they didn't quite work. Purple? Only one scrap in that slot, a soft suede-looking purple.
I tried a bazillion different arrangements of the butterflies and definition, but something was missing. Then I remembered this little grass stamp I picked up at Hobby Lobby a century ago and never used. YES! It softens the whole thing and anchors the design, too. A few rhinestones* added for bling, and Bob's your uncle. Whatever that means.
The lesson here is pretty cool. You should take a chance once in a while and cross the streams. Sometimes, you may end up with a bunch of stuff that isn't stellar, but sometimes you may make a miracle. The first card is fine, the second not so much, but the third, well.... I don't have a word spectacular enough for it yet, but when I do, I'll let you know.
Now, go watch Ghostbusters. 'Cause it's funny.
*The rhinestones are actually a soft green similar to the aloe ink, but they photographed darker than they are.