Monday, December 28, 2009

For the Troops

These are more cards for deployed troops to send to their loved ones at home. Continuing with the Valentine's theme, here are some hearts on strings...or ribbon, as it were. You've seen this layout before. I repeat it because I love it. These cards are easy to mail, easy to make, use up four inch scraps of ribbon, and, well, if you can think of something bad about them, keep it to yourself because I don't want to hear it. I heart them.

This last little scrap of SU striped ribbon was perfect for this polka dot heart. Some people like to send Valentines to friends and moms and children and such, so a non-red valentine shows love without the romance. Sort of like this one:

Wouldn't this cinnamon one be perfect for a mom or sister? I thought so. But of course, we need red ones for wives and girlfriends and husbands and boyfriends. Having been the wife of a deployed spouse on three occasions, I would have loved getting a card like this.

Instead, I got emails telling me he was still alive after he flew missions. I really appreciated those, and the fact he could send them to me. He had lovely, hand-stamped stationery during Operation Iraqi Freedom, but stationery is much writing to do! Cards aren't so intimidating. If he'd had them, he would have sent them.

If you live in a country that has troops deployed, please remember that those troops deserve all the support we can give them. So do their families. 'Cause I'm here to tell you, they struggle. It's hard, in more ways than civilians can imagine: the fear, the uncertainty, the stress, the absence, the difficult readjustment period after those happy homecomings, the times when there are no happy homecomings. And they rarely complain outside the military community because that's simply life as a military family.

For those who would like to send cards to the American troops, I recommend Operation Write Home. Their deadline for Valentine's cards is January 6. I also have another person I ship cards to, but I need to verify with her that it's okay to share her contact information here.

If you live in another country with deployed personnel, please share contact information for similar organizations in the comments.

stamps: Papertrey Heart Prints
ink: various
paper: PTI white
accessories: ribbon, dimensionals


  1. i love the dotted heart with the stripey ribbon--just makes me happy :)

  2. So kind of you to share your lovely
    cards with the troops!!

  3. you are right, this is a great way to use up a bit of ribbon!! and awesome that you support the troops!!

  4. Beautiful cards, as always, Susan. And thank you for sending the web site for sending cards to troops. The video makes it look easy to help, and your words made us understand how important it is. Thank you.

  5. My son is on his fifth deployment and yes our troops need to know that folks back home support them. Can't tell you the stupid stuff people say to him when he's back home. I'm planning on making 250 cards to sent out so I'm CASEing your post. Thanks!!!!

  6. Wonderful use of ribbons and hearts. I know they will be really appreciated by everyone.

  7. These are perfect. I love that they are easy to mail! I'm sure the soldiers will love them also.

  8. I like that your ribbons only extend part way on the card. Really is more interesting. And I like that you made them different colors. Thanks for the deadline info. I hadn't made any Vday cards for OWH because I thought the deadline was past. Now I know I have a few more days.

  9. Gorgeous cards. And a perfect reason to make them.

  10. These cards are beautiful Susan!

  11. Simply beautiful! OWH will love getting these cards to send to our troops!

  12. Love these cards! Such a great use of those small ribbon pieces we always have left over. Thanks for the ideas. And I love that you are sending them to OWH!!

  13. This is a fabulous layout - it's so versatile - I can see with lots of different images. And a great way to use those ribbon scraps!

  14. This is absolutely wonderful and such a great way to thank our troops. Have a wonderful New Year!


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