Monday, March 1, 2010

Rainbow Mojo Give-Away: Day 1 of 10

Welcome to DAY 1 of Simplicity's Rainbow Mojo Give-Away! Thank you for being the best blog readers EVER! In less than a year, Simplicity has logged over 86,000 hits. This figure staggers me. It also makes me squeal in childlike glee!

To celebrate your kindness and support, I am sharing the Rainbow Mojo. You all know how important that extra little "something something" on a card takes it from blah to beautifully CAS. Over the years, I've tried so much stuff, some of which worked beautifully for me and some of which didn't. I've already given away almost all the stuff that didn't work, and now my embellishment drawers floweth over with bountiful beauty that warms my heart and inspires my creativity.

So I went through each of my embellishment drawers (which are organized by color) and pulled out some of my favorite embellishments to share with you, my fabulous readers: ten bubble envelopes of delight going to ten lucky readers!

The amount in each give-away will vary from day to day, depending on what's in my stash. Most of these items will be familiar to you since you've seen them on my cards before. Each lucky winner will also receive the card I made using some embellishment in the give-away.

Here are the rules:
1. Each day, I will ask a question for you to answer: a question with no right answer! See how easy? No posting links or such. One comment per reader per post. Please do NOT comment via email; come to the website and leave a public comment for inclusion in the drawings. You may enter all the give-aways (or just the ones for colors you like, LOL!). Comments will be open for 48 hours, and then a winner will be selected at random and announced on the blog.

2. If a winner does not leave contact information or respond within 48 hours of her/his name being announced, another winner will be selected.

3. No one may win more than once. That way, we can spread the love around! You can continue commenting throughout the give-away, though. Your number just won't count in the later drawings.

4. As many as three winners may live outside the United States. I'm sorry to limit this because of customs forms and international postage, and I sincerely hope my international readers will understand.

So, let's get started, shall we! Today's colors aren't technically in the rainbow, but I have lots of embellies dedicated to them. BLACK and WHITE are basics of stamping, so here's the give-away:

1. Six lengths of ribbon, including gingham, grosgrain, and a satin-and-sheer stripe (Yummy!).
2. Two lengths of craft thread (black and white)
3. Black PTI buttons
4. Maya Road white velvet flowers
5. Black and white small brads
6. Googlie eyes (the last card I used these on got next to no comments, but I loved it and so did the child who received it!)
7. Clear rhinestone brads
8. A baggie of black flock
9. A baggie of fun glittery white flakes (I made a shaker ornament this Christmas using this stuff as, fun, fun!)
10. My absolute favorite of today's give-away: a package of Hero Arts Half Pearls in black

Whew! Look at all that fun! And here's a card using the black flock for flower centers.

I hadn't used the flock in a while, so it called to me. It's such a fun way to add texture to a card and can work cute or elegant, depending on the images used. Red sticky tape is the easiest way I've found to use flock...glue is too messy.

Today's give-away question is this:

If you HAD to pick a favorite, what is your favorite color?


  1. What a wonderful, bright card so perfect for Spring's arrival.
    My fav colour has to be blue. Funny though, I don't tend to use a lot of blue on my cards. I love, love, love cards done in black and elegant and classy looking.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  2. Looky at that booty!!!! Yowzers - we all love you, you know! :0) My favorite color is green - always has been because I have green eyes and I like to wear green to emphasize them (hey! a girl's got to do what she needs to, especially when you're my age!). Totally love your card.

  3. Yellow is my true favorite color, but I laugh because I find it hard to use in cards, and yours is lovely!

  4. My favorite color is green because it reminds me of SPRING (wherefore art thou?). I like green as a background in cards or shades of it on monochromatic cards. Thanks for sharing all that sweet candy!

  5. Wow, thank you so much for the chance to win such lovely stuff! I am a huge fan of your simple and elegant cards.
    My favorite color has to be black, I think it never fails to add a dramatic effect to an outfit or a card (not to mention that I look thinner in black ;P )


  6. pink, no hesitation, it is my favorite and always has in any hue

  7. Hands down, green has always been my favorite color. I think anyone that knows me knows this about me. I love every possible shade. I think that is why I love spring so much.

    I love black and white with certain shades of green. One of my daughters' bedroom is black and white with pale green walls and accents.

    Thanks for sharing your stash!

  8. Blue, if I HAD to choose. There isn't a room in my house that doesn't have some blue. I find it so peaceful and soothing -- blue skies, blue ocean, etc. But, I don't have much blue in my closet or on my cards, and I'm not sure why! Love your blog, and I'm not surprised at all the hits. On a busy day, I always find time to read your blog if no others. That said, I'll be going out of town in a couple of days, and may not have internet access -- so sad!

  9. Carolina Blue! (I know, I know, you're a Duke girl!) There's nothing prettier than a clear blue sky in North Carolina.

  10. I love red and blue (together). I also love green with any other color. I love the simplicity of your cards. (hence the name of your blog lol) Thanks for the fun giveaways.

  11. My favorite color is definitely purple! Always has been, just bought a new purple shirt yesterday:)

  12. First off...your card is beautiful!!

    I guess off the top off my head I would say Green. :0)

  13. Susan,
    Congrats on so many blog hits. I know I look forward to your posts. I am often awed and inspired by your creations.

    Thanks so much for the chance to win a great grab bag. Maybe you'll send some of your mojo along with it!

    My favorite color is green.

    Diane M

  14. Look how smart you are ...rainbow giveaway....brilliant!! I love your yellow sunflowers!! My favorite color is green however, I don't use it too often in my cardmaking. (hey, my word verification is 'brads' .... how coincidental is that!!)

  15. Ooh ... tough call. If I have to choose just one color, then yellow it is! I love every shade of it, from creamy pale yellow to bright-as-sunshine yellow. Love B&W embellies, though, because they go with everything! Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

  16. Hands down, my favorite color is red? Maybe it's the gypsy in me? Or the streetwalker in me? I don't know, but I just think everything looks better in red! But I DO love your yellow, black and white card today! Great flower placement, and I'm sure the fuzzy centers are the focus upon seeing the card. As always, another card to case......

  17. Hello, I love the card, and prize! My favorite color is brown!!

  18. I love all the colors so my fave is whatever I'm using at the time. However, the color I go to the most for whenever I'm stumped is brown. Yup, that's my fave color today!

  19. Purple! All the purples... Lilac, mauve and even (possibly best of all) the kind that is shimmery blue and deep, deep purple. Mmm... Gorgeous!

    I am so excited by all your giveaways coming up! It's nice to see a different spin on things too :)

    Your card is to die for too! So simple yet so right. I love it, I love it, I love it! What a great use of flock, too. I had never thought of using it like that :)

  20. Well, in general I'd say red, followed closely by black.

  21. Oh this is hard!! I decided to be logical about it and looked to my pattern paper stash (which I have organized by color). The biggest stack was green - so I'm guessing that must be my favorite!

  22. Today I would have to say my favorite color is Sage Green. Tomorrow it might be brown. I've always had trouble committing to just one color as a favorite!

    Love your blog and your card!

  23. Easy peasy question! Hands done, yellow is my favorite.

    Fab card. The colors are fantastic. Love the flocked centers.

  24. Love the card... thanks for a chance to win. My fav color would be sky blue....

  25. Today my favorite color is red. A nice bright apple red :o) Great blog candy today...

  26. Green!!! All sorts of it! Green like new Spring grass! Great candy, thanks for a chance to win!

  27. My favorite color is purple, although it's not my first choice in crafting. When making things, I gravitate more toward red shades.

  28. I (heart) purple! And I (heart) your cards!

  29. Wow, what a wonderful giveaway...and 10 days worth??? Oh my! My favorite color is purple. I love dark, rich purple the best!

  30. Today it's teal! And Kraft (Love it!)

    Thanks for sharing!

  31. Pink...that is my favorite color. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  32. How does one choose a favorite color? Today I'll say blue, any blue. Tomorrow, who knows?

  33. I love purple, and I love your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  34. If I had to pick a favorite color in GENERAL, it's purple. The blueish purple shades are all so pretty. That doesn't mean I wear a lot of purple clothes though, I wear a lot of brown, but what a boring favorite color that would be, right?

  35. MY favorite!

    Love the yellow and black together on this card. It's so very cheery. I almost thought that spring was coming yesterday, but today it seems to have changed its mind!

  36. Love the Rainbow Mojo idea, so fun!

    I think my favorite color is green. Or orange. No, green. Wait... orange. Hmm, I guess it's a tie. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win and for all the fabulous inspiration.

  37. Gotta go with the girly girl color of pink. Although I do like brown, but think as a favorite, it sounds to dull.

  38. This is so kind (and fun) of you, Susan! I'm terrible at picking favorites, but if I absolutely must, my favorite color is orange! Thanks for going to all this trouble for us, your little ol' readers!!

  39. Well if I had to choose I'd say any shade of purple is my favorite color right now. I love your sunny card! And what an awesome giveaway!! You are very generous!

  40. Hi Susan,
    Love, love, love your cards. I am going to go with pink.
    Thanks for the chance to win some goodies from your stash.
    Love black & white.

    Connie Frances

  41. Thanks for your generosity -- not just with these give aways but with all your ideas every day on the blog. A visit to your blog is on my daily to-do list! My favorite color is red -- it can be happy, sexy or elegant depending how it is used.

  42. Green! My husband said he's never known anyone so "mad" about the color green! :)

  43. Great card, Susan! And what a fun give-away, too! If I had to choose one favorite color, it would be green. Thanks for the opportunity to try to win something:)

  44. Gotta be red! Although I am liking pink alot these days too.

  45. My FAVORITE color has always been GREEN! Any and ALL shades. It just makes me happy. I just realized I have 4 different rooms in my house painted green. :)
    Your blog ROCKS! Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. If I really had to pick just one color, I guess it would have to be green. It used to be blue, but for many years now, it's green.

  47. Hands down, my favorite color is blue.
    I love your card, flock for the centers, what a super idea. You get the texture of a real flower! Genius lady, just genius.

  48. Oh gosh. That's a tough question! Lately it's been purple, but I noticed yesterday I've been veering towards orange, and I LOVE browns. Ok, I guess it's gotta be browns. Thanks for the chance to win! (I love your flower card)

  49. I'm a girlie girl and love pink. As a child, it wasn't my fave- blue was- but I now gravitate towards the softer shades. If I had a veryclose second, it would be aqua. Tough call, but both are fab with black or red, two great strong colours.
    Thanks for the chance to win! (I'm Cdn but can give a US address - let someone who doesn't have a US friend use one of your 3 Cdn)

  50. If I had to choose, I would say blue is my favourite colour. For today, anyway. Thanks for the chance!
    p.s. I love your blog!

  51. I've been a fan of yours for a while. Thanks for the art lessons and the clean design ideas!
    Without a doubt, my favourite colour is blue.

  52. Beautiful card, as always Susan.

    My favourite colour is difficult... I am drawn to blue but I don't use it or wear it.... I think my favourite colour is probably a deep dark cranberry colour.

  53. Rachel B. ( 1, 2010 at 12:44 PM

    Wow! That's a lot of goodies! My favorite color would have to be tiffany blue (kind of a light turquoise blue). Tiffany blue and white were actually my wedding colors and everything turned out so elegant for such a small price! Goes to show you how the CAS concept can work in many other arenas - not just stamping and cardmaking.

  54. Thanks for ten opportunities to win- so exciting! My favorite color?? Periwinkle!
    Love your cards!

  55. This is NOT an easy question, LOL! My favorite color depends on what it's for. My top three colors are white, red, and green. Anything looks better with lots of lovely white, but since I HAVE to pick a favorite, I'll say green. (But don't tell Red I said that, because I do love red!)

    Your blog is fabulous! Thank you so much for the daily inspiration and joy!

  56. Natalie WintersteinMarch 1, 2010 at 1:14 PM

    I am new to your blog and loving it! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous goodies!

    My fav color is red! It's such a bright and cheerful color and is also the color of my favorite team! (The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers - Go Big Red!) I got the coolest red patent leather purse from Dooney and Burke - love it! Red also looks awesome with black and white - toda's giveaway colors - hint hint! Lol.

    Thanks again!

  57. Indecision is my middle name, so this question is harder than you think! Looking in my closet (clothes, not stamping), I see lots of purple, so I would have to say Royal Purple rules the day (today anyway....all bets off for tomorrow.

  58. What a fun give-away!

    I'd have to say my favorite color is black. It goes with everything and compliments all styles ... and is slimming, too!

  59. Well it's no surprise that you've reached such milestone in your blogging adventrue! Your cards are amazing - I so wish I could ace the CAS like you!
    What a fun idea for a giveaway! I'm international and completely understanding of your limit to three of us winning!
    My fave colour without a doubt it GREEN! Think it's because I grew up in the countryside ;D

  60. I would have to say any shade of blue. I can't really pin it down any further than that - there are so many to choose from. I just love your card - in fact, I love ALL of them.

  61. What a generous person you are! I enjoy your blog every day - it's amazing to me that you're so consistent in your posts (mine is so spotty...). I love all deep, jewel-toned colors, but I would have to say dark green would be my favorite.

  62. I love pink and I love this card. You're always so inspiring!

  63. LOVE this cheery card..... and my favorite color is PINK!

  64. I guess it depends on what I am doing at the moment, but lately I've been using a lot of "black" with white and like to add some bright color to go along with it! Your cards are awesome! Thanks for sharing your "wealth" with your readers!

  65. Beautiful card!! Love your cards, they always inspire me to go Clean & Simple.
    I would say my favorite color is Red!!

    Thaks for the chance to win!
    God bless

  66. I think I would lean toward brown...a rich, deep, dark brown. Love it. Thanks for your blog(s). They're great!

  67. My favorite color changes.....on cards - brown, in home decor - pops of Red, in general - Blue (Microsoft Blue) - or white (actually I LOVE white), in embellishments it appears my favorite color depends on what I'm doing...smiles...OK just to narrow it down to one answer...I'll say Microsoft Blue! Thanks for a chance to win.

  68. Love these sunny flowers with the fuzzy centers, they make me happy! Please do not include me in this draw.

  69. Like another commenter, my favorite used to be blue but now is green. Actually, it's really teal or anything in the blue-green family. I am drawn to shades and tints, rather than brights, of all colors. And I love cards in any color when you make them! Thanks for sharing your goodies!

  70. I love yellow, I dont seem to wear or use it much but I love looking at it.

  71. My fav is yellow. It is bright and cheery makes me think of spring and gives me energy. I love yellow flowers especially a dozen roses. I really like this card :)

  72. Undoubtly pink is my favorite color.
    Thanks for the chance to win some inspiring blog candy.

  73. Wow! ALL that booty and you're going to do it for a week? To be really fair, we ought to each one of us Followers send you booty from our stashes. YOU'VE been the Giver all these months!

    Love the card today. I'm with Juanita...flock for the flower centers IS genius. I did a daisy card yesterday and could only think of bling for the center, which wrecked the look of the whole card. :-(

    My fave color is probably peachy pink, often called salmon or coral or rose, but never loud.......the warm glow of baby cheeks, ya' know.

    What's YOUR favorite color, Susan?

  74. I prefer different colors depending on whether I'm papercrafting, wardrobe shopping or interior decorating, but I love and am drawn to the color red...a cool cherry red.
    Congrats on the blog hits. I look forward to your daily posts and musings.


  75. Whether I win anything or not, I just have to say that your cards are always beautiful and you inspire me. That said, I'm still playing along! My favorite color in general is purple but for cards I tend to go with blues/blowns or green/brown, I think.

  76. What a fun giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win some fun stuff!
    My favorite color is yellow! No reason in particular, it is just a warm and cheerful color!

  77. This card makes me happy! Spring will come again to the Northeast, won't it? My favorite color is green and Spring is my favorite season -- green and Spring go hand in hand.

  78. My favorite color is black - at least that's what it looks like from my wardrobe! If I had to choose another color it would be periwinkle blue (still love that crayola crayon) :) Thanks for sharing your stash!!!!

  79. Orange - or really peachy colors. It kind of reminds me of those wonderfully mixed colors of a sunset over the water!

    I'm not surprised by your number of hits - this is my go to blog. And I'm sure that you have NO idea how many wonderful card creations that you've inspired!!!!!

  80. Love your pretty spring-like card!Red is my favorite color. It makes me feel pretty and powerful. What a combination, huh?

  81. Love the black and white giveaway but my "goto" color is usually always blue!

  82. Love the pop of yellow in this card. Hands down, my favorite color is pumpkin as in pie color not bright orange.

  83. Wendy in CentervilleMarch 1, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    Great card! My favorite color has to be green; I treat it as a neutral in many cards. It's also the color of my living room (old olivish)!

  84. It has been such a pleasure looking at your cards daily and today's is no exception! Adorable! You are so talented and inspiring!

    I love color...all colors...but my favorite is green:)

    Thanks for sharing!


  85. What a fun fun giveaway...And incredibly generous!

    My favorite color changes daily but today it is a warm flannel gray.

  86. I also organize my embellishment drawers by color. It does make it easier to know what I have and have too much of. How generous of you to gift the things you don't use anymore.

    I love your big, bold, bright, yellow flowers. And love love the idea of the flocked centers. Makes me want to go and get some of that stuff to try it myself. But then I will have full drawers of things I bought because I saw someone else use them and then will barely use them.

    Hands down, my favorite color is green.

  87. My favorite color changes on a daily (maybe more often) basis. Yellow is the color today because of the bright sunshine and promise of warmer weather. I look at your cards for inspiration every day. Thanks for the wonderful ideas!

  88. blue is my favorite color no real reason I just like it..
    the black in the give away would be a stretch for me but then whenever I come to your cards I am stretched and I now love being stretched (challenged) to try something new
    thanks you are a blessing
    patti moffett

  89. My favorite color is purple. I love that it can be sweet or dramatic, depending on the intensity of the color. The funny thing is that I seldom use it for papercrafting.

  90. Blue has always been my favorite color. All shades. But green has been stealthily sneaking up the ranks lately. And that makes me happy, too.

    Thank you for the chance to win blog candy. Your blog is one that I hit every single day. Your cards are simply amazing.

  91. My favorite color is red. It's classy, full of fire and I just feel sort of glamorous. Think red lipstick, red heels, red fire. Love it! I like a little spice!

  92. Oh ... this is so hard! But I would have to say I am currently drawn to aqua blue (coupled with a chocolate brown).

    And thank you for your inspiration. I smile each day I read your musings!

  93. I will have to choose blue as my favorite color.

  94. Green, definitely green in all its natural glory! Nature might sing in technicolor, but there's always a bit of green somewhere in there! Love your blog Susan. I can't wait for my 'fix' every day. Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful candy.

  95. Love today's card, so cheerful and bright. My favorite color is mallard blue. I buy anything I find in this color shirts, sweaters, even two chairs for my living room. Thanks for sharing your goodies with us. Catherine

  96. Such a great, spring inspired card! My favorite color would be purple, but I do find it a little difficult to craft with- I think I've only used it on one card, in combination with pink for my niece's birthday this past year!

  97. You used my favorite color in your card--yellow. From the paint on my sewing/crafting room walls to my shirts, sweaters and jacket, yellow has been my #1 favorite. For cardmaking, I've often used green.

  98. Blue is my favorite color according to my closet. Black and white cards are my favorite to look at...guessing it's the appeal of the contrast. Looking at my cards....I don't seem to have a favorite go-to color combo. Go figure.
    Love the card, but then I haven't see a card of your's that I don't love!
    Lu C

  99. what a sweetie you are!
    GREEN is my new favorite color since we moved to utah 5 yrs ago from the woods of western new york. now whenever i see green,i feel calm and relaxed inside.
    marty ferraro

  100. I absolutely love your cards! You truly do make once appears to be a simple card look elegant and classy. If I had to name my favorite color I'd have to say Peach. :-)


  101. My favorite color is blue. I love looking at all of your cards. I love the black and white ones you have posted on here. I have never thought of making one with those colors. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  102. Hi Susan, what a generous lady you are but I already knew that because of the way you share your talent with us everyday.
    Stunning card, great use of flock which I find quite intimidating but you have produced a beauty with it.

    I don't think I have a favourite colour but according to my friend Linda she thinks it is blue because the cards I send her always have blue in them. In fact she says it is Carolina Blue so I will go with that, who am I to argue with a friend!
    BTW I fully understand about the international thing ...

  103. Without a doubt my favorite color is green. Thanks for sharing your creativity and style... I love it! (almost as much as green) (teehee)

  104. Wow, I love blue and green and purple...but I suppose blue is my favorite.

    Love your blog. My husband and I adopted two boys with Down syndrome and we are both over 50 so I have little time to write in. (Our sweeties are now 6 and 8)
    Still love to see your blog post in my inbox!

  105. Joanne MaciejewskiMarch 2, 2010 at 6:49 AM

    I am so happy I discovered your blog. The clean and simple cards are so beautiful. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas. My absolute favorite color is royal blue.

  106. Congrats Susan on doing such a great job at reaching so many with your blog! Thoreau hit the nail on the head!
    I love Neutrals! Black is my fav...dresses, ink and COFFEE!

  107. Blue-blue sky, blue water, blue eyes

  108. My favorite color is brown. Brown with yellow, pink, green, aqua, red acccents, brown works with so many colors. Actually, it's probably because I see brown and start thinking chocolate!
    I've enjoyed your blog for quite a glad that I found it.

  109. I think my go-to color is green - from pale to dark. There seems to be a shade to go with EVERYTHING (now I just need to get those shades in cardstock, ink, ribbon, . . . . ).

  110. My favorite is magenta or any shade of pink. Cards, shirts, etc! My closet is pink, black and white! Thanks for the contest!

  111. OH what a wonderous give away!! How kind of you to do this. I will say my very favorite colour is all shades of purple ( esp periwinkle blue). It can be elegant or playful. I so enjoy your cards, and find if I try to be so simple in design friends say is that all... learning from you!

  112. I love all colors of blue. Cool giveaway. Thanks.

  113. Blue is my favorite color, but black is the color I seem to use for my accent color on cards.
    Nance in Reno

  114. Purple shades of wonder is my favorite! And if I haven't told you before (can't remember!), I LOVE YOUR CARDS!! Simple is the best! Thanks for sharing your stuff!

  115. linda patti tpatti@windstream.netMarch 2, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    my all time FAVORITE color is BLUE, most light-medium shades!
    thanks for a chance to win some great blog candy!

  116. Love your card=) I love bright, loud colors; however, my fave is probably black because it is so versatile. Thank you for the chance to win. Collette

  117. Love the great giveaway. Color for me is Red.

  118. My favorite color is red, because I think it's a good color for me to wear. When doing cards I love to do red, white and black together. Very classy looking. Come to think of it, my favorite scrapbook page is made up of those 3 also. hmm....never realized that until just now :)

  119. Blue is my favorite color. I love any shade of blue. From the lightest, watery blue to true, dark navy blue and all of the shades in between.

  120. I love the look of black and white cards but my favourite colour family is pink to red. I just think they are happy colours and can be used for all holidays too!
    Your flowers remind me of the lazy susan's that grew in the ditch by my parents farm. Very nice card and the flock is a great touch in place of your usual bling.

  121. My favorite color is purple because it can be fun and girly, just like me! : )


  122. My favorite color is yellow. This color always brings a smile to my face. It is the color of a beautiful summer day with lots of sunshine.

  123. Beautiful card.

    My favorite color to craft with is white.

    But my favorite color besides white is deep rich crimson red. YUM

  124. The black embellishments look very interesting. It would be fun to try them as i don't use black much. My favorite color would be any shade of red.

  125. My favorite color to work with is always green. It goes with everything and it's a uplifting color.

  126. Red, Red, Red! Works great with black, pink, white, gray, green, silver and on and on. I love most any shade of red from the deep rich color of red, to the red tinted with brown or orange. Yep, I love RED.

  127. My favorite color is is the color of my Louisville Cards ,it is the color of power, not that I have any...and it would go great with your give-away today.

  128. I usually don't use black and just stick to some of my favorite colors. I really like the different colors of green. Guess I need to expand my colors a bit

  129. OOOOH! Love that beautiful card! My favorite color of all time is hot pink!

  130. I just love color! So my favorite would be . . . rainbow! Oh, I guess that is cheating. So I'll have to pick yellow, usually not many people's favorite. But yellow tipped with orange, or coral, or pink--yummy! I'm thinking roses, I guess! I love your cards and blog, especially those with rainbow colors.

  131. My favorite color, at least when it comes to making cards, is pink. Love your yellow and black card, though. So bright and cheery.

  132. My favorite color is blue, as in Carolina blue, as in Tarheel blue, as in "If God is not a Tarheel fan, then why did he make the sky Carolina blue?" blue.

  133. I am a Carolina Blue girl also. Go Tarheels!!!
    Loved the flocked centers on your card. I am always thrill to receive your e-mails with your unique cards.

  134. If you could see my cardstock collection, there would be no question, that BLUE is my favorite color.

  135. as boring as it seems...i love brown! (besides, it's the color of can that be bad?) :)

  136. Hi Susan!
    You are very kind to give all of your goodies away. I'm sure you will find a good home for all of it. I tend to gravitate towards blue. I've noticed that when I go through my cards, I notice a lot of blue flowers. Blue is good!

  137. There are so many shades of green to love.

  138. GREEN, GREEN and more GREEN! The color of spring and new beginnings. I am so glad I found this blog! Love you cards and samples

  139. kraftyaunt@hotmail.comMarch 2, 2010 at 8:47 PM

    Cast another vote for GREEN... all shades!

    I thoroughly enjoy your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  140. I love the color blue! Thanks for the chance to win all this great stuff!!!

  141. I love black! I wear it too much. lol...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    P.S. I am fortunate to be picked - I'll email you with my email address. Hope you don't mind.

  142. My favorite color is green! I love all shades of it!

  143. Such a lovely sunny card Susan!

    Oh God, a favourite colour? Do I have to?!! I guess for me it'd be a shade of lilac, but that never makes it onto my cards! Pinks make it onto my cards quite often so maybe it's actually pink!!

  144. LOVE every color..... Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

  145. That would be red...which would go nicely with the black goodies up for grabs! Thanks Maggi
